By Sanjana Vadapalli
A disease with no cure: cancer. Around 1.8 million kids and adults alike battle this widespread disease every year, in the United States alone. Out of those who acquire the disease, roughly 606,520 people die. This is why searching for a cure is vital. Finding a cure would not only help to save lives, but would also spread a message: people can do anything they put their minds to. In the meantime, one way to slow this disease down is to take precautions. Education about cancer is also important, as it will help you to understand the disease overall. The first step to educating yourself about cancer is to learn about which cancers are most common in males and females.
Women and men are the most susceptible to cancer, as opposed to adolescents, since they have been exposed to carcinogens - a substance that promotes the formation of cancer - longer than children have. The most common cancers found in females are breast cancer, lung and bronchus cancer, colon and rectum cancer, uterus cancer, and thyroid cancer, specifically to the US. In total, just these specific cancers in females amount to about 564,440 diagnoses out of the 1.8 million people who get diagnosed with cancer every year. The disease affects various parts of the human system, but can spread if it is not treated. When a cancer tumor is not treated for a while, it can have a catastrophic result for the person who has the tumor. The cancers that have the highest death rate in females are lung cancer, breast cancer, colon and reticulum cancer, pancreas cancer, and liver cancer. These cancers have about 162,510 deaths out of roughly 514,080 diagnoses, giving a 31.6% death rate. Overall, cancer in females is more common than it should be, and as a result, educating ourselves about the different types of cancer- listed above - is very important.
Males have a similar story to females. The most common cancers found in males that reside in the US are prostate cancer, lung and bronchus cancer, colon and rectum cancer, melanoma cancer, and bladder cancer. In total, just these specific cancers in males are about 508,820 diagnoses out of the same 1.8 million people who are diagnosed every year. Statistics show that males in 3rd world countries are more likely to get diagnosed than the females in that area whereas in a 1st world country, men and women have a more balanced out chance of getting a diagnosis. Though a clear reason for this has not been found, some believe that this happens due to the fact that those in poorer, rural areas have more of a sexist diversion in their communities. Due to this, women are rarely exposed to carcinogens, as they are expected to stay at home. In males, the cancers that have the highest death rate are lung and bronchus cancer, prostate cancer, colon and rectum cancer, pancreas cancer, and liver cancer. These cancers add up to have about 179,120 deaths out of the roughly 462,450 diagnoses, giving a 38.7% death rate for these specific cancers. Similar to females, males are also experiencing a much-too-high diagnosis rate and death rate, and it’s important to try and slow them down.
Cancer is a very dangerous disease that does not have a cure - yet. Scientists believe that vaccines, medicines to treat any underlying conditions, and a healthy lifestyle will be beneficial in trying to prevent cancer. The Prevent Cancer Foundation lists 7 steps to avert cancer: don’t use tobacco, protect your skin from the sun, eat a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight, be physically active, get immunized, and finally, know your medical history and get screened for cancer regularly. By following these steps and taking these precautions, doctors and scientists believe that cancer cases can be cut down significantly.
Overall, cancer is a very dangerous malady, and it is important to take precautions against it. Both men and women can get cancer, though in more rural areas, it can be more common in females. Though it is impossible to prevent cancer completely, there are certain precautions that one can take in order to lessen the likelihood of acquiring the disease. Specifically, one should minimize the amount of time they are exposed to carcinogens. All in all, cancer is a widespread disease without a cure - but if you take care of yourself and educate yourself, you can decrease the chances of getting cancer. Battling cancer is hard, but something Thomas Edison said can help: “When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: you haven’t.”
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