Blog FAQ:
Q: “I’m a high school/college student/adult and I just came across your program. How can I get involved?”
A: To become a writer or editor: Email
Keep in mind there are prerequisites to fulfill before being accepted for either position!
Q: “What is the time commitment for becoming a writer/editor for the blog?”
A: It depends on each person. Some people spend around an hour per article, others more.
Q: “I’ve written an article for a separate project and I’m wondering if I can submit it to the Helyx blog.”
A: Sure, email for more details. Keep in mind that your article will be edited according to our blog guidelines.
Q: “I’m a new writer, and it’s my first monthly assignment. Where do I turn in my articles?”
A: Read the Writer’s Guide carefully. You should be assigned to an editor. If you’re not, send it to and also let her know that you haven’t been assigned an editor yet. Then for your next monthly assignment check the Editor Assignment spreadsheet in the Writer’s Guide to see if you’ve been assigned an editor. *As of right now, we are short on editors, so you may end up being assigned to as your temporary editor.*
Q: “Do I need educational content in my blog posts?”
A: Yes! These are necessary for volunteer hours.
Q: “How many volunteer hours can I get?”
A: Submit an approximate value for the amount of time you spent working on your articles. You get an extra hour for every 60 views on your article. Remember to be honest with your hours! We are double-checking the amount each person submits.
Q: “When will I get informed about the next deadline?”
A: sends monthly emails informing writers of their deadlines, blog updates, and other reminders. also sends mid-monthly reminders.
Q: “I’m a little bit on the younger side and am entering middle school/elementary school. Can I still join the blog?”
A: Age is not really a problem unless it affects writing ability. If you’re someone in this situation, attach a sample of written work on any STEM topic of your choice while emailing the point of contact about the blog.
Q: “How do I know what topics have already been covered?”
A: Check the Writer’s Guide. There is a list of completed and upcoming blog posts and it is updated periodically. You can also just scroll through the blog and see what’s been covered.
Q: “I’ve submitted my blog post a while ago, but it isn’t up yet and I haven’t seen any edits. When will it be published/has it been received by my editor?”
A: Keep in mind that we have many more writers than editors. A majority of writers’ works are sent to and there is a longgg list of articles waiting to be published. In general we aim to publish >1-3 articles per week. Don’t worry if your work isn’t published within the first few weeks it was sent to us—we’ve got your article. If we haven’t contacted you about missing work, then we’ve likely placed it in our list of articles to be edited/published.
Q: “When and where do I fill in my volunteer hours? How do I receive them once I’ve submitted the form?”
A: Fill out this form for volunteer hours every two weeks with integrity! (Make sure you’re adhering to the PVSA guidelines). When you’re ready to collect your hours, contact or cjung1254#8325 through Discord. Chris is also the point of contact for any other questions regarding volunteer hours.
Q: “What is a senior writer/editor? What do I do if I’m given this position?”
A: Being assigned a senior writer/editor does not give you any extra responsibilities at the moment. This is a new development for the blog and just means we recognize you for your consistent dedication to your role. In the future, this position may entail providing advice for new writers/editors who are getting adjusted to their role.
Q: “How do I become Writer/Editor of the Month? How does my article become Article of the Month?”
A: These are selected by, but writers/articles can be nominated by their editors. Articles are selected based on quality, topic of interest, and viewer count.
Any other questions? Contact